Som - Obrint Pas

Kingcap Musik


Analysis of "Som" – Obrint Pas

"Som" is a powerful and uplifting song by the Valencian band Obrint Pas, featured on their album Coratge, released in 2007. Known for their energetic fusion of rock and traditional Valencian music, Obrint Pas often incorporates themes of social justice, cultural identity, and political awareness in their lyrics. Som exemplifies these themes, serving as an anthem of unity and resilience in the face of adversity.

Story of the Song

Obrint Pas emerged in the late 1990s as part of a cultural movement aimed at promoting Valencian language and identity. The band’s music reflects their commitment to social issues, often addressing topics relevant to contemporary society. Som was created during a time of increased political and social unrest, both in Catalonia and across Spain. The song was written as a response to the challenges faced by marginalized communities, emphasizing the need for solidarity and collective action.

The title "Som," which translates to "We Are," embodies the essence of unity and community. Throughout the song, the lyrics celebrate the strength that comes from coming together, encouraging listeners to recognize their collective power. This theme resonates deeply with the band's mission to inspire change and promote a sense of belonging among their audience.

Message and Meaning

The central message of Som revolves around unity and empowerment. The lyrics convey a call to action, urging listeners to stand together in solidarity and fight for their rights and values. The repetition of the phrase "som" serves as a reminder of the strength found in community, emphasizing that individuals can achieve more collectively than alone.

Additionally, the song highlights the importance of cultural identity and the need to preserve and promote it in the face of external pressures. Obrint Pas encourages listeners to embrace their roots and take pride in their heritage, reinforcing the idea that cultural diversity is a source of strength and resilience.

The energetic and anthemic nature of the song further amplifies its message. The upbeat tempo and engaging instrumentation create an atmosphere of celebration and determination, making Som not just a song but a rallying cry for those seeking change and solidarity.


In summary, Som by Obrint Pas is an inspiring anthem that champions unity, empowerment, and cultural identity. Through its compelling lyrics and energetic sound, the song encourages listeners to come together in solidarity and fight for their rights and values. By addressing the importance of community and cultural heritage, Obrint Pas reinforces the idea that collective action can lead to meaningful change, making Som a timeless piece that resonates with audiences striving for a better future.


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